Dream About The Word Knife

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  • Knife, Holding The Knife holding onto and using the Word of God .
  • A knife, symbolize sharp words or an act of anger.
  • Killing with harmful words; see 'knife', 'gun', and 'dead'.
  • Sharp words and actions pierce the heart; see "knife".
  • In Christianity, a knife represent the Word of God or the sword of the Spirit.
  • According to type, i.E. A gun shoots wounding words, a knife is cutting words; research, accordingly.
  • In Christianity, a knife represent the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • In a dream about a knife poem, the poem represent a sacrifice of words.
  • In Christianity, the knife symbolize the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • In Christianity, a knife fight represent a spiritual battle between good and evil, where the knife represents the word of God or truth.
  • In Christianity, the presence of a knife symbolize spiritual warfare, or the power of the Word of God.
  • in Christianity, a knife in a dream represent the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • Hiding a knife in a dream indicates sharp words, power, wealth and wealth
  • Lashing out Violent words that cut like a knife, wounding one’s heart
  • Sword-fish The sword of the word, used to help others; see “knife” and “fish”
  • In Christian symbolism, the knife might represent the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • The blade of the knife cut through anything, but so the power of well-crafted words.
  • The knife is a symbol of power, and your words a powerful tool in expressing your emotions.
  • In Christianity, a knife symbolize the sword of the Spirit, which represents the power of the Word of God.
  • Whittle Using belittling words to slowly and steadily wear one down; see “knife
  • To see two knives in a dream is interpreted as a sharp knife, a sharp and bad word to be heard
  • If we are attacked with a knife, it indicates either violent words or actions may be used against us.
  • In Christianity, a knife blade suggest the power of the word of God, which cut through sin and ignorance.
  • In Christianity, the knife represent the 'sword of the spirit,' which is the word of God that cut through falsehood and deception.
  • To see a knife in a dream refers to sharp expressions, big words, hurtful speech and being busy
  • To see that you are pulling a knife in your dream, to see that you are pulling a knife to someone during a fight, you will hurt and upset someone around you with your words
  • To see a wooden knife in your dream, the word knife is sharp also reflects that you will take sharp decisions in your life and take action, and engage in irreversible works
  • Dreaming of holding a knife indicate that you need to rely on the Word of God to overcome your struggles and challenges.
  • Christianity: In Christianity, a knife represent the power of the tongue and the potential for harm that comes from speaking hurtful words.
  • To draw with a knife in a dream portends being happy, listening to the words of the family, and being an exemplary family to people
  • If you dreamed about a knife on a knife: Your social media and friends may be in the foreground, otherwise the words that come out of your mouth may cause you to regret it later.
  • You not feel able to express your needs and desires and the knife represents your inability to fight with words or actions.
  • For instance, if your sister is using a weapon like a knife, it symbolize that she is using words or actions that hurt you emotionally.
  • To see a knife with a blue handle in your dream indicates that you are a man of your word, to be known for your reliability and to be appreciated
  • To see a knife in a fight in your dream indicates that you should pay attention to the words you say, and it will be for your benefit to stay away from words that will hurt your loved ones
  • The symbol of the knife used to slaughter the goat indicate that you need to be careful with your words and actions, as they hurt others if not used properly.
  • the knife represent the sharpness of your own mind or tongue, and your ability to use your words or intellect to protect or defend yourself.
  • To see a stabbing knife in your dream indicates that you will misunderstand the words that are said for your own good and will break people's hearts
  • Knife: The knife is a symbol of danger, pain, and aggression.
  • Knife: The knife is a powerful symbol of aggression or anger.
  • Knife: A knife in a dream represent division or separation.
  • Knife: A knife is a symbol of power, control, and aggression.
  • Knife: A knife is a symbol of sharpness, cutting, and dividing.
  • Knife: A knife in a dream symbolizes aggression, danger, and fear.
  • To see a knife in someone else's hand in a dream indicates a sharp word, a news that will come soon, an event that will affect your life significantly
  • Getting a knife stuck in your head in a dream is considered as a symbol of sharp words you will hear, your morale will be broken, and you will be in trouble
  • If you have dreamed of cutting something with a knife in your dream: It is useful to be careful with your words, there may be frictions in your bilateral relations.
  • If you saw a sharpened knife in a dream: Some of your relationships or business partnerships may be changing, you need to stand by your word.
  • Knife: A knife symbolizes aggression, feelings of vulnerability, and the need for protection.
  • Knife: A knife is a powerful symbol that stands for aggression, violence, and danger.
  • Giving a knife in a dream is evaluated according to the type of knife given
  • To see that a knife is broken in your dream indicates loss of power, saying bad words that will fall into disrepute, loss of peace, being unhappy and confused
  • If you see a knife cut in your dream, we can say that some words you will hear will upset your morale and upset you
  • Breaking a knife in a dream also means that you will lose your power or that your words will not be effective, that people and your loved ones will not listen to you
  • A sharp knife signifies personal strife, a rusty knife means family troubles, and a broken knife indicates failure in love.
  • Knife: Seeing a knife in your dream symbolize aggression, power, or danger.

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