Dream About Yellow Triangle

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  • A blue triangle represent harmony and peace, while a yellow triangle symbolizes joy and happiness.
  • Triangle: A pyramid is essentially a three-dimensional triangle.
  • if you dream of a triangle, it symbolize a romantic connection or a love triangle.
  • The upward triangle represents the divine, while the downward triangle represents the earthly.
  • The triangle also represent the dreamer's current love triangle or other complex relationships.
  • Three - The triangle, freedom.
  • Dreaming of a triangle suggest that you need to reflect on the symbols and meanings of triangles and their relevance in your life.
  • Triangle: The triangle symbolizes the relationships that you have with other people in different aspects of your life.
  • The 'A' is also a graphic representation of a triangle.
  • The triangle is the symbol for a “triangulated” affair.
  • Are you involved in an ‘eternal triangle?
  • If the triangle is pointed upwards, it represent masculine energy, while a downwards-pointing triangle represent feminine energy.
  • A triangle implies creativity, power, and spirituality.
  • a triangle is associated with balance, harmony, and stability.
  • the triangle represents strength, balance and harmony.
  • Such a triangle represent your knowledge and perception.
  • if the triangle is red, it a symbol of energy and passion.
  • The triangle is a powerful symbol in many cultures.
  • Bermuda triangle If you find yourself lost in the Bermuda Triangle in your dreams, this suggests vacillation and confusion in waking life.
  • An equilateral triangle represent perfection and completeness, while an uneven triangle indicate that things are out of balance and adjustments need to be made.
  • The triangle within a circle shows wholeness of purpose and ideal: the triangle represents three-dimensional humankind in the earth; and the circle represents God .
  • In occultism, the inverted triangle is associated with female energy and the element of water, while the upright triangle represents male energy and the element of fire.
  • In Hinduism, the upward-facing triangle symbolizes male energy, while the downward-facing triangle symbolizes female energy and the divine mother.
  • The symbol of this is the double triangle, or circle divided in six.
  • Triangles have many spiritual and mystical meanings.
  • Bermuda triangle means spiritual fluctuations; vacillations
  • A triangle represent harmony, balance, or a strong foundation.
  • The triangle indicate a situation that is potentially dangerous or risky.
  • In some cultures, triangles embody specific symbolism.
  • For instance, in Christianity, the triangle represents the Holy Trinity.
  • Dreaming of a triangle a sign that you are in need of guidance.
  • dreaming of a triangle is an indication of strength, balance, and harmony.
  • a green triangle also symbolize creativity and inspiration.
  • dreaming of a green triangle have different meanings.
  • Seeing a triangle in a dream indicates good luck
  • If you are religious, the triangle could be telling you to pay more attention to your religious teachings.
  • It can also mean feeling independent or being able to stand on your own two feet.
  • For many, the triangle represents the three parts of the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; it can also represent the number three and its various manifestations in father, mother and child, or body, mind and spirit.
  • On the other hand, the triangle was a symbol used in Third Reich to mark out those who were ’different’ and ’bad’.
  • If you are seeing a triangle in a negative manner in your dream, it could be that you are feeling singled out, feeling like people are harassing you for no good reason and that you are frustrated and frightened by this.
  • For Freudians, the triangle is an image of sexuality, male pointing upwards and female pointing downwards.
  • If your dream incorporated a triangular figure or shape, it may also have denoted three people who are closely linked to you in the waking world; perhaps your children and your partner, or perhaps a love triangle.
  • According to Freud, a pyramid is a symbol of an erect phallus.
  • Others suggest that this powerful image represents spiritual aspirations.
  • The square base of the pyramid can denote your unconscious foundations and the apex of the pyramid your aspirations.
  • The pyramid can also represent a mountain you need to ascend in order to achieve your highest ambition, which may be spiritual enlightenment.
  • The idea of the triangle has been of considerable significance in history , often in religion representing man, woman and an invisible godhead ; in human relationships it can represent father, mother and child, or two partners and a threatening third person.
  • A triangle with the point upwards conventionally represents the masculine , one with the point downwards, the feminine .
  • In our own time, the idea that first comes to mind is the ‘eternal triangle’ which signifies some kind of emotional turmoil; so consider whether the dream may be telling you something that your conscious mind does not want to recognize.
  • If the reference is to some recognized fact, what happened to the triangle, or the circumstances in which it appeared, will be significant.
  • But remember that it is an age-old symbol of truth and confidence; it may be a reassuring symbol.
  • A good omen for personal circumstance, general good luck.
  • Direction, pointing the way, usually spiritual.
  • Symbolic of genitalia, male or female.
  • Trinity; body, mind and spirit.
  • There is a well-known game—square, circle or triangle?—in which you draw a square, circle or a triangle and ask someone to elaborate each of these shapes into a drawing.
  • Whatever your playing partner makes of the square is supposed to relate to their outlook on the world, the circle to their inner being and the triangle to their sex life.
  • See if any of this makes sense if squares, circles or triangles appear in your dreams.
  • Alternatively if you dreamed that you found yourself in an Egyptian setting awed by the sight of the Great Pyramids, perhaps your unconscious is urging you to travel and see the great wonders of the world or to explore your own inner world.
  • Triangles in dreams can also indicate that you need to look at a situation from more than one angle to see the whole picture.
  • A triangle in a dream could represent the trinity, or body, mind, and spirit.
  • Triangles symbolize perfection, the total integration of the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Triangles represent worries over unfaithfulness or betrayal in relationships.
  • If you dream of triangles, you may have three projects or concerns with which you are dealing, and each may feel equally important.
  • You might feel you are caught in the middle between two people.
  • Triangles reveal to the dreamer that their objectives will be achieved due to how high they are.
  • It may indicate that contradictory traits in your personality can be balanced in order to create something new.
  • Depth Psychology suggests that the triangle signifies a hidden talent for scientific research and a heightened sense of serenity.

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